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Year 5 Residential

Travel Update 16:30

We are just coming through Wimborne.  We are still on track for arrival just before 5pm .

Travel Update 15:30
We are still on track for an arrival at EMS just before 5pm.  We will update again when we get a bit closer.


I really enjoyed facing my fear of heights.  I didn’t think I could do it, and then I faced my fear and climbed a long way up a tree!  I really enjoyed going on a long walk – I found a stick to help me.  I enjoyed lunch and I liked going to ancient mediaeval village.  I enjoyed doing the low adventure and getting wet.  The roast dinner I really liked because there was all my favourite vegetables and meat and then ice-cream with chocolate and strawberry sauce and honeycomb which was also really good.


I liked the rope bridge because you could climb to the top of the bridge and drop off the top ALSO hiking because you could climb to the top of rocks and go into little gaps.


I really liked the Going Global because we got to make shapes out of play-doe and sell it to the bankers in result of money in our country’s bank. Also, it really improved our teamwork skills.



Today I had a great day.  I woke up for breakfast it was really good and then we were going for our all day activity which was a walk to hound tor.   We went to some rocks and did some climbing.  Then we went to some rock tunnels and last we came back for tea that was also good.


Today at Heatree, I did high ropes and low adventure. When I was doing the high ropes, we did three activities. The first one we did was a crate building game when we had to stack crates, while one person had to climb them and try to get higher and higher (attached to a harness with three people holding it to make sure they would not fall.) The second activity was climbing Jacob's ladder, and you had to try your best.  The last activity of the high ropes, was a rope balancing one, when you had to climb a ladder, then some climbing irons (which were attached to a tree), and finally you had to side step along a rope and hold on to another rope above your head. It was 30 feet off the ground.  I was really excited, happy and scared. In the afternoon, we did a low adventure course, that had team work activities, a climbing course and the last thing we did was going in a stream. 

Lexi F



We have all arrived safely and have settled in to Heatree.  We are looking forward to our activities tomorrow.  Photos and blog to follow tomorrow evening.